The B2B Content Marketing Playbook: Strategies for Business Owners

Whether it’s a corporation bidding for a contract or a startup seeking the help of potential investors, trust is always the vital catalyst in B2B relationships. One of the most effective ways to build trust is through the use of content designed to showcase your expertise and believability as a brand. It gives your ideal prospects the opportunity to get to know you over time, until they feel safe investing their time and money with you. To this end, there are 5 effective ways to use content to grow your B2B business.

1. Influencer collaborations

Even If you don’t have a big network of your own, you can always benefit by collaborating with influencers who do. In the B2B space, Influencers are industry experts or thought leaders with a large audience – who can lend credibility to your brand and amplify your message. The formula for such partnerships is simple: Create a win-win scenario for you and the influencer, such that you provide them either payment or content, and they provide you access to their hard-won network in return.

When considering influencer collaborations, focus on:

  • Relevance: Choose influencers whose expertise aligns with your industry and target audience. Their endorsement should feel genuine and resonate with your potential clients.
  • Thought Leadership: Seek influencers with a strong track record of sharing insightful, valuable content. Their endorsement can position your brand as a credible authority.
  • Collaborative Content: Co-create content that showcases the influencer’s insights and expertise. This could include guest blog posts, expert interviews, or joint webinars.

2. Interviews and Podcasts

Long-form conversations can serve as excellent marketing tools for a B2B business. Utilizing podcasts in particular, humanizes your brand and allows you to share insights in a more digestible format. You can either choose to be interviewed on other people’s podcasts and news channels, or you can start a media platform of your very own.

Here are some tips when implementing this strategy:

  • Diverse Guests: Invite a range of guests, including industry experts, partners, clients, and internal thought leaders. This diversifies perspectives and attracts a wider audience.
  • Valuable Content: Focus on delivering valuable insights, actionable tips, and thought-provoking discussions. This establishes your brand as a reliable source of industry knowledge.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent release schedule for your podcast episodes. This helps build anticipation and fosters a dedicated listenership.

3. Online events: webinars and workshops

Webinars have become very popular in the B2B space in recent years. That’s because LIVE content has an appeal that’s unmatched by written content. The interactiveness, the personal touch, the spontaneity all add to the enjoyment of the experience and go a long way in fostering trust. However, signing up for an event is a much bigger ‘ask’ of your audience than having them read a quick blogpost. This is why you must ensure the topic of these events is highly attractive to your prospects. Also make sure your event isn’t a complete bore. A let-down is no way to make a first impression!

Consider the following when planning events:

  • Educational Focus: Develop content-rich presentations that address specific pain points or industry trends. Focus on providing actionable takeaways.
  • Engagement: Incorporate interactive elements such as polls, Q&A sessions, and live demonstrations. This keeps attendees engaged and encourages participation.
  • Post-Event Follow-Up: Continue the conversation after the event. Share recorded sessions with registrants, follow up with additional resources, and invite feedback for improvement.

4. ‘Warm’ sales pitches

Let’s face it – nobody likes being called by salesmen (except some of their mothers). When contacted out of the blue by a complete stranger, your instinctive reaction is to RUN. Generally speaking, people much prefer making business decisions on their own accord. The good news is you can achieve this effect in your marketing. When your sales pitches are seamlessly weaved into valuable content – prospects don’t feel like they’re being sold to. They don’t expect a pitch, only value, and so they do not resist your attempts to sell. It doesn’t cause the kind of repulsion as a hype-y ad or an overenthusiastic salesman does. This is also why value-based content is utilized by nearly every major B2B organization in the world.

5. Lead magnets to capture, follow-up, and nurture

A well-executed lead magnet strategy involves offering valuable resources in exchange for contact information. This could be in the form of a webinar, tutorial, guide, information pack, or checklist. This is a fantastic low-pressure way to start a relationship with prospects who aren’t yet ready for a sales call. Every time someone downloads your lead magnet they are expressing an interest in your product or service. It is therefore very important to keep dedicated contact lists of these leads. Continually follow-up and nurture this list with content – and it will serve as a recurring source of new business for you.
There are an unlimited number of ways you can reach out to B2B prospects, build trust and get them over the line. All it takes is some initiative, consistent effort and strategic thinking.  And if you’d like to find out what I can personally do to help with your content strategy, here’s a magic button for you:

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